...literally and figuratively! I'm only kind of sure it's my turn to post right now. I seem to have lost all sense of time...my weeks have been spinning by in a blur.
I just started a new job today--the first full-time position I've ever had in my field. I started working as a graphic illustrator at a company in MA. I'm absolutely thrilled. I feel as though I've reached of one of the many goals I set for myself when I returned to school nearly 3 years ago. There have been many trials and tribulations along the way but I've made it this far. Support from friends and family has been invaluable when things have been rough. After this semester, I'll only have two classes left before I'll reach another big goal - to have my certificate in hand. Woo-
I finished my previous job this past week...my last day of work being Saturday. This left me only Sunday and the remaining two evenings this week to scrape together Thursday's homework (Tuesday is a loss because I have another class that night). Unfortunately, my last job was part-time with weird hours. My current job is your regular 8-5 with a 45 minute commute tossed in for fun...and my schedule is all thrown off. Sleep-wise, I'm in trouble.
Still, I haven't forgotten you guys and just wanted to say I hope your creative juices are flowing... and that you're all much more well-rested than I am! In the meantime, I'm posting a little sketch I did a while ago. You probably have seen it already. In any case, here's Super Frog to remind you of something I've learned recently -- that you can do accomplish
alot through hard work and a little belief in yourself: