As most of you (well, Smells Like Crayons members, anyway) already know, four years ago I was contacted by the folks at HGTV’s contemporary craft show, That’s Clever. They had spotted
my Etsy shop, were going to be visiting New Hampshire, and were interested in having me appear on their show! Of course I agreed immediately. That summer, they paid me a visit here in my home studio, where we spent the entire day taping me for two segments. In one segment, I showed them how to make one of my plush characters and in the other I demonstrated how to make one of my bumble bee ornaments. I had a blast!
I was told that the show would be aired in Season 5 and my episode number was HCLVR-560. It took Season 5
four whole years to air completely, and for a long portion of that, my episode wasn’t even listed. However, it looks like my time has finally come. At long last,
my episode is posted on HGTV’s website! It seems as though an air date has finally been set for my episode of That’s Clever! Get up early, grab a cup of coffee, and sit down to
watch me on HGTV November 14th at 7:00 a.m. before you head into work. Or, sleep in and set your DVR. It’s all the same to me, as long as you watch! Warning: the show is a bit on the silly side so if you’re expecting a serious craft lesson, you’re going to be met with goofy puns and me running around like a manic. Informative, yet a little nutty. Which pretty much describes me, so I suppose that’s fine.
One of the items I made for the show was the Plush Diva Pig (posted above). However, the one I made for HGTV was sans cleavage. TV is surprisingly anti-cleavage...even on stuffed animals. (Who knew?)
The timing is great because I (and several other members of our group) will also be participating in
Not Your Grandmother's Craft Fair at McDonough School in Manchester NH on November 12. I'll definitely have a chance to get the word out about the show there. Come visit us! (o: