I swim at 8:00 am everyday, like clockwork. During summer vacation, I bring my girls. We've worked out a deal: if they sit through my workout, they get to play at the playground for an equal amount of time. After all, fair is fair.
This past Thursday, there were two other little girls on the playground. A serious game of tag ensued, and the resulting giggles were wonderful. Just as the other girls had to leave, I noticed that the youngest of the new playmates had an prosthetic hand.
I found it so refreshing that the difference wasn't a big deal. There was no pointing, or whispering or any such thing that you often see adults do. Their main concern was who was "it" in their game of tag. They did ask about it on the way home, but as soon as I told them about the many possible reasons someone might have an artificial limb, they were satisfied and the rest of the conversation reverted back to how much fun the game of tag was.
When I read that this week's Illustration Friday prompt was "artificial," it was my girls who suggested that I do a drawing of someone like the little girl from the playground. This is what I've sketched so far.
it's our children who teach us what life is all about.
~ Author unknown