Monday, March 14, 2011

Edward Gorey inspired!

This weekend I went with a few friends to see the Edward Gorey exhibit at the Boston Anthenaeum and got inspired. My work is normally so cute and sickly sweet that I think its good for me to break out of my bubble and look at work that is not like mine at all - thus the melancholy and sarcastically witty world of Edward Gorey is just what I need. The exhibit is small, but packed with work throughout his career, from pencil sketches to final pieces, and I highly recommend it. It runs through June, so you have awhile to check it out. Here's a little something I did today, after getting this dose of inspiration!


  1. I love your Edward Gorey inspired piece! It's still you, but with that little macabre touch.

  2. Hooray for breaking out of your bubble! It's creepy-cute!! >:)
